Cults often hone in on someone's biggest desires and weaknesses and they prey upon those in order to get you into a position where they can hammer on you to get you to conform to what they want you to be and act like.
They will find any reason at all to shame you. It won't matter who you are or what you've done they will find something about you to shame you with and this is purposeful.
In the case of belonging. They will do everything in their power to make sure that you never feel like you belong. This will keep you working extra hard to try to get membership and you try and try again to get approval. They will leave you out of things, kick you out of the club, do whatever they can to make you feel like an outsider and keep you begging for the scraps of attention you get from them.
This will also work as a behavior modification tool. They will hammer you with your weaknesses until your behavior starts to change into what it is that they want you to do. So if you want to be part of the inner circle you can guarantee that they will never allow you on the inside of the inner circle.
You are a worker bee - your only purpose is to come up with new ideas and new materials and to let them steal those ideas and materials and for them to make money off of you - they don't care about you in the slightest. They are interested in the female psychopaths putting up their feet and letting you do all the work for them and in return they will give you nothing but abuse and lies.
The longer you are exposed to this cult of take, take, take and you get nothing back from them it will do nothing to endear you to them and in fact while they think they are getting full control of you the resentment in you is growing to such heights that you are actually starting to hate them because all they do is set you up for failure to try to get control of you.
They play games with your psychology like cause you to fail a thousand times to make you feel like a failure and to get you to lose your confidence you can do anything right - this gives them something to shame you with and something to control you with - if they control when you are successful and when you fail then that means they control your happiness and you. You will do whatever they want in order to stay in favor otherwise you have huge losing streak ahead of you.
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